French Classes for Teenagers


Learn and experience French language

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Learn French all levels 6-week course from may 15th

Discover our French classes for teenagers! 🌟

Starting January 28, our engaging program is designed to elevate French proficiency and align with the CXC curriculum. Led by certified native French teachers in face-to-face classes, it’s the perfect program for kids to brush up on what they learn at school and strengthen their speaking and listening skills. . 🚀✨

When? Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30-5:30 pm

Where? In our center Alliance Française de Bridgetown on the UWI campus

Help your child foster a passion for French and academic excellence.


  • Certified native French teachers
  • Focus on CXC and DELF
  • Face-to-face 


  • 9-week session
  • Costs only $300 BDS
  • If it is your first time taking classes with us there is a one-time registration fee of $25 BDS.
French for kids at the Alliance Française

It’s never too early to learn French! 

🎉 New Adventures for your little ones! ✨

Children can benefit greatly from an early exposure to the French language! Our one-on-one lessons for kids are the perfect way for them to craft unforgettable memories with our certified native French teachers through songs, readings, crafts, and cultural exploration.  

Join us at Alliance Française in our center for an enriching journey!


  • Certified native French teachers specialized in teaching kids
  • Fun and educational activities
  • Face-to-face




  • One-on-one session
  • Scheduled at your convenience
  • from $70BDS


Language Level Test

Do you want to test your language level before signing up for a course?

Starting a training, sitting an exam or applying for a job?  We have the test which meets your needs!

Oral test on Zoom (10 minutes max)

  • On the assigned date and time, follow the Zoom link given to you to test your speaking skills. Make sure you connect yourself at least 5 minutes before your test in order to check your speaker and mic.
  • No specific preparation is required. The test will be live with a French teacher. Don’t be stressed!

To organize your placement test, please contact:


My registration

How do I apply for admission as a student?

There is no prerequisite condition to study at the Alliance Française of Barbados. All levels are welcome, from beginners to intermediate and advanced students.

How can I pay?

Two options:

  • At the reception desk during working hours with cheque or by cash or by wire transfer.
  • For more information, please contact us at 2333234 or at .
What are the deadlines for registration or pre-registration?
No deadlines! You can join a class any time. If you want to enjoy the full term, do not miss the registration periods.


When can I start classes?
Our classes start every six weeks. Follow us if you do not want to miss the next opening!
How many students are there per class?
Classes take place with a minimum of 4 students. There is an average of 5 students per class.
Which teaching method is used?

All our teachers use a communication based approach in their classes. We have one textbook corresponding to each level. Teachers also use all kinds of teaching facilities (audio, videos, etc).
You may enquire at the secretariat or at if you wish to purchase the textbook or the online version of it. This one can last up to one year.

If you didn’t find any answers to your question in this FAQ,
please contact